The following photos were taken on a morning the fog was particularly heavy. I left the house with a vision of a deer with a full head of antlers standing in the middle of a trail staring me down out of the fog. Spoiler, it didn’t happen. I walked far and wide creating photos I thought would go straight to the trash. While I don’t find any of them particularly spectacular, I also don’t hate them. So here they are. All shot with a Sony 100-400mm gm Lens and a Sony A6600. Photos are in chronological order.
I was heading to Kensington Metropark but decided to stop along a side road where I’d seen some deer a couple days prior. There weren’t any but the fog was mighty thick and it was fun just being out in it.

If you are familiar with Kensington, you are probably aware of this lone tree in the lake near the nature center. It always calls to me but never been the right moment or conditions to get a shot I like. Still waiting, but this will suffice for now.

Once at the nature center I was greeted by a group of sandhill cranes. Perhaps I should have just photographed them the whole time, but I was chasing the vision I had in my head, like an absolute fool.

The next two shots are my favorite from the sandhill cranes of the day. They both convey the fog well, at least I think so, as well as the environment.

I said goodby to the cranes and began marching further into woods. I love the depth, or lack thereof, that fog adds to a scene.

The photo below might be my favorite from the day. I actually get a little scared looking at it. Whenever I photograph a path, I like to do so in a way that the trail curves out of view. It leads the viewers eyes on a journey through the photo and adds a sense of mystery and intrigue.

Two more cranes foraging in the fog. Bare trees that are normally boring suddenly become quite interesting in the fog.

The prime of autumn has come and gone with mostly spots of brownish leaves remaining. But the lack of color is often what can be so magical about a foggy day.

The trees are no longer trees, just lines and shapes.

This is it. This is the shot I envisioned. Only there is no deer with a massive rack of antlers staring me down in the middle of the trail, just more fog.

Now I am at the point where I convince myself a lone dead tree is the greatest, most interesting subject to photograph. well, it is kind of cool I suppose.

A hopeful nuthatch flutters by expecting seed to magically sprout out of nowhere. I didn’t have any, sorry nuthatch.

It was getting bright and the fog growing thin. The sun began to poke through the clouds. There are a couple tiny dark spots on the sun, I didn’t clone them out because I think they are just part of the sun. What do you think?

Deer are highly unreliable, but you can always count on a squirrel. Look how stinking cute they are!

I was escorted out of the park by this Hawk, following them toward the parking lot as they flew from tree to tree until eventually they took off deep into the woods.